Runescape Name: Little Guy6
Are you F2P of P2P: I just signed up for P2P two days ago. Soo P2P buy with very low P2P skills
Do you meet the requirements: Yes
Have you been/are you currently in any other clans: No, never.
If you have been a member for another clan, what was your reason for leaving: N/A
Have you read and agree to all the rules and requirements: Yes, and I plan to be very active on the forums
Are you going to check this forum reguarly: Yes, I've been playing the game for probably about 6-10 hours a day and i'll just have the forums up while i play - as I always multi-tab.
How did you find out about our clan: Sals
Why do you want to join our clan: Coolest advertisement! Loved the whole three friends and three gods correlation. Awesome.
What is your timezone(GMT): I don't know, I live in the Eastern Time Zone
Anything else you would like to add: I used to play runescape back in the day but I stopped. Now, seven years later I decided I wanted to play again. A lot of the game is new to me now like clan chat and so on so I'll take a little time to adjust.
I'd be glad to help out pk teams with sharks because i spend most of my runescape time fishing them.