If you want to apply for the clan use this template:
Runescape Name: Peakes
Are you F2P of P2P: F2P
Do you meet the requirements: No, Range 71 & Strength 65
If not, what requirements don't you meet: Combat Level 68, Defence Level 45
Have you been/are you currently in any other clans: Nope
If you have been a member for another clan, what was your reason for leaving: Not Applicable
Have you read and agree to all the rules and requirements: Yes
Are you going to check this forum reguarly: Yes
How did you find out about our clan: Rune tip it
Why do you want to join our clan: I like a clan that has a forum and is well organized!
What is your timezone(GMT): UTC + 8 (Singapore)
Anything else you would like to add: Nope